Just a camping guy

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Woodchuck Flat 10/22/06

Well this weekend I went to the Tahoe National Forest again. This place is a few miles off of I-80 in Cisco Grove. Saw some snow on the ground from earlier in the week. I may have another week or two before the snow closes it up for the year. The signage isn't that great and trying to find those places at night is hard. We drove up to the cell phone tower on Thursday night. If it would have been less rocky probably would have camped there for the night.

On Friday morning two a-holes on quads were making quite a racket.I don't mind quads or dirt bikes as long as the people are safe and not tearing things up. You could hear these things a few miles away. They had drilled the mufflers out. I stepped out into the trail and stopped them. They were telling me that they had spark arrestors and were legal. Thinking on my feet like I usually do I told them that I was an Alameda County Sheriff and that the noise ordinance was 87db at 30 feet . I told them that I could call up the local sheriff or the ranger to bring up some sound equipment. I think I scared some sense into them because after that they got off the gas a 1/4 mile before and after camp. I just hope they replace the mufflers because noone should have to listen to that noise.

There was a ton of downed wood up there. I may have to invest in a chainsaw and a permit so I can fit the logs in the ring better.

Well on to the pictures.Enjoy.

Thanks again for stopping by.

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